Tuesday, September 27, 2022

How do you fight for your Second Amendment Rights?




Why do you fight for your Second Amendment Rights? 


In 2021, David Chipman was nominated as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives making Chipman, at the time, the greatest threat to our second amendment rights. 


Chipman's confirmation rested in red state democrats, like Senator Jon Tester of Montana. A man who posed as a supporter of your second amendment rights yet voted against President Trump's pro-second amendment nominees and voted in favor of President Obama's anti-gun justices. 


The question was whether Senator Tester would support the Second Amendment like he portrays or support David Chipman, who disrespects gun owners and our constitutional rights.


Ultimately Chipman's confirmation was withdrawn as the ATF nominee thanks to the fight of Donald Trump Jr. and Second Amendment activists like you! 

Click me!

That's why Donald Trump Jr created 2A Task Force to gather grassroots activists just like you to defend our Constitutional rights. Now more than ever, there is an urgency to energize and mobilize freedom-loving Americans to fight back.


Join the fight to protect our constitutional rights because our freedoms are worth fighting for! 


Support The 2A Task Force! 

Paid for by 2nd Amendment Task Force


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