Tuesday, July 12, 2022

We can’t wait another minute

Text "SAVE" to 88022 to Save America
This is so important that I’m reaching out to you personally, Sooner.

Please read my email below. 

Thank you, 

Donald J. Trump



The Radical Democrats will do anything to line their pockets and destroy our great country. They’ve attacked OUR values, destroyed OUR economy, put America Last, called us racist and deplorable. It’s disgusting really. If we’re going to win in 2022 and 2024, we need to do something NOW. 
Democrats won’t stop until AMERICA IS UNRECOGNIZABLE. 
It’s time we fight back like never before, Sooner. I just launched my
2022 American Defense Task Force, and I need YOU to join me and get on the frontlines of taking our country back. 

With you on my team, we can show the Left that America will NEVER believe their LIES and that real Patriots will always put AMERICA FIRST.
I’m calling on you to make one of the most important contributions in the history of American politics. 


Please contribute $50 in the NEXT 3 HOURS to join my 2022 American Defense Task Force and your gift will make 600% more of an impact. >>
PATRIOT: soonerpolitics.trump@blogger.com


I wouldn’t be reaching out if this wasn’t critical. 
That’s why I’m asking you to step up and join my Task Force, Sooner. Together, we will be an unstoppable force and we can SAVE AMERICA.
I’ve asked to see the first list of Patriots who join my Task Force TONIGHT. Will I see your name?

Please contribute $50 in the NEXT 3 HOURS to join my 2022 American Defense Task Force and your gift will make 600% more of an impact. >>
Thank you, 

President Donald J. Trump Signature Headshot
Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States

Contributions to Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee on behalf of Save America and the Make America Great Again PAC. Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219

Thank you for joining Team Trump. Thanks to your generous support, we’ll win BACK our Republican Majority in the House AND the Senate. To stay up-to-date on our latest efforts, President Trump needs you to sign up to become an Official Trump Text Member IMMEDIATELY.

TEXT TRUMP to 88022 to start receiving text messages from President Trump.

"We're going to take back the house. We're going to take back the senate. With your help, we are going to defeat the radical democrats" - President Donald J. Trump

We are emailing you at soonerpolitics.trump@blogger.com to update you on critical information regarding President Trump’s efforts to SAVE AMERICA. President Trump is calling on YOU to take the next step and activate your Official 2022 Trump Gold Card. When you do, we’ll send you your own PERSONALIZED Gold Card. You can activate your membership by following this link.

Official Trump Gold Card >>>


Please follow this link if you would like to opt out of essential campaign updates. If you would like to give feedback to the President, follow this link. Thank you again for your unwavering support.

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