Sunday, July 17, 2022

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Save America President Donald J. Trump


I want you to know how important you are to me, so I have some exciting news for you. 


You’ve always been one of my STRONGEST supporters, so I am honored to inform you that you have reached Great MAGA King Status. Only my TOP patriots qualify for this status, and YOU have earned it,  Sooner.

I need you to change your status to Great MAGA King before 11:59 PM TONIGHT, so don’t wait. I can’t hold your spot longer than today.
You have reached Great MAGA King Status - Accept Now >>> 
By confirming your Great MAGA KING STATUS, you will be remembered as a Patriot who has always stood by your favorite President and FOUGHT BACK against the radical Left to defend our great Country. You deserve this, Sooner.
I’ve asked my team to let me know the moment you confirm your Great MAGA King status.
Can I count on you?

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT TODAY to solidify your status as a Great MAGA King and make sure your name is on the roster that I will review.

Thank you,

President Donald J. Trump Signature Headshot
Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States


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