Monday, July 18, 2022

President Trump invited YOU


Did you get our previous email?

President Trump selected ONLY 100 PATRIOTS to join his prestigious Official Trump 100 Club, and YOU are one of them. 

President Trump will rely on this key group of supporters when he needs the trusted advice of the American People. YOUR feedback will represent the views of millions of voters, Sooner!

But, we can’t hold your spot on the roster for much longer. 95 of the other Patriots invited have already accepted their EXCLUSIVE offer. We’re just waiting on you. 

Please contribute $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to join the Trump 100 Club. >>
Official Trump 100 Club - Join Here >>>
President Trump really needs you on his team as a member of the Official Trump 100 Club, Sooner. Can we tell him you’ve accepted your invitation?

Please contribute $100 in the next 30 MINUTES to join the Official Trump 100 Club.

Thank you,

Team Trump

P.S. There are only 5 spots remaining in the Official Trump 100 Club. President Trump is expecting to see your name within the next 30 minutes. Contribute and join NOW. >>




Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Save America, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219

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