Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22nd Update

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Notification Status: Signed Up

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

"15 minutes of fame" Matthews, who I didn't know, is clearly lying.



Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

ICYMI: New Cygnal Poll

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

ICYMI: "Poll: Donald Trump Maintains Commanding Lead over Potential 2024 Primary Field"

Read the full article by Wendell Husebo with Breitbart here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

ICYMI: "Trump Slams 'Big Lie' That Pence Could Not Reject Electoral Votes"

Read the full article by Summer Lane with RSBN here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do about the Electoral Vote Count—it was etched in stone. But if so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do. This was a major event, because everybody ganged up and said that Mike had no choice, he could not send the slates back to the States (which is all I suggested he do) for possible retabulation and correction based on largescale Voter Fraud and Irregularities. This may have proven to be an Election-changing event, so we would have no inflation, inexpensive gasoline, be energy dominant, have no war or largescale death with Russia and Ukraine (this conflict never would have happened), would have left Afghanistan on same timetable, but with dignity and strength, and would have kept Bagram Air Base, not had dead soldiers, taken out all American hostages, and would not have given the Taliban $85 billion worth of first-class military equipment. What a difference it would have made if the State Legislatures had another crack at looking at all of the Fraud, Abuse, and Irregularities that have been found. Our Country would have been a different place!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump July 21st, 2022

RINO Larry Hogan came out today, after suffering a monumental defeat in Tuesday's Primary Election, and announced that he would never support Republican Gubernatorial Winner Dan Cox. Then, we have something in common, because I will never support Lockdown Larry Hogan. In my opinion, he was an absolutely terrible Governor of Maryland!

Signature of Donald J. Trump

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Photo of Donald J. Trump

Donald J Trump
45th President of the United States

P.S. Text TRUMP to 88022 to receive direct updates from yours truly. I'll be sending a text soon, so don't wait.

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