Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6th Update

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Notification Status: Signed Up

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 6th, 2022

To watch Biden speaking is very hurtful to many people. They're the ones who tried to stop the peaceful transfer with a rigged election. Just look at the numbers. Does anybody really think that Biden beat Obama with the Black population in select Swing State cities, but nowhere else? That he would lose 18 out of 19 bellwether counties, and 27 out of 27  "toss up" House races, but somehow miraculously receive the most votes in American history with no coattails? That he would lose Florida, Ohio, and Iowa and win, even though it has never been done before?

They spread a "web of lies" about me and Russia for 4 years to try to overturn the 2016 election, and now they lie about how they interfered in the 2020 Election, too. Big Tech was used illegally.

Where did all those votes show up from in Georgia, where it was just revealed they sold ballots for $10 a piece, or in Pennsylvania, and Arizona, and Wisconsin. He acts like he's aggrieved, but we're the ones who were aggrieved and America is suffering because of it with poisonous Borders, record Inflation, a humiliating surrender in Afghanistan, $5 a gallon gas and higher, empty stock shelves, and rampant crime. America is a laughingstock stock of the world, and it's all because of the real insurrection, which took place on November 3rd, but this is an election year and MAGA Republicans should get elected and work with me to fix this horror that Joe Biden and the Democrats have brought us.

Never forget the crime of the 2020 Presidential Election. Never give up!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 6th, 2022

Biden is working hard to try and deflect the incompetent job he is doing, and has done, on the horrible Afghanistan withdrawal (surrender), the Borders, COVID, Inflation, loss of Energy Independence, and much more. Everything he touches turns to failure. That's what you get when you have a rigged Election.

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 6th, 2022

Biden, who is destroying our Nation with insane policies of open Borders, corrupt Elections, disastrous energy policies, unconstitutional mandates, and devastating school closures, used my name today to try to further divide America. This political theater is all just a distraction for the fact Biden has completely and totally failed. Our Country no longer has Borders, has totally and completely lost control of Covid (record numbers!), is no longer Energy Independent, Inflation is rampant, our Military is in chaos, and our exit, or surrender, from Afghanistan was perhaps the most embarrassing day in the long and distinguished history of the United States—and so much more. Why is it that the Unselect Committee of totally partisan political hacks, whose judgment has long ago been made, not discussing the rigged Presidential Election of 2020? It's because they don't have the answers or justifications for what happened. They got away with something, and it is leading to our Country's destruction. They want all conversation concerning the Election "Canceled." Just look at the numbers, they speak for themselves. They are not justifiable, so the complicit media just calls it the Big Lie, when in actuality the Big Lie was the Election itself.


The Democrats want to own this day of January 6th so they can stoke fears and divide America. I say, let them have it because America sees through theirs lies and polarizations. 

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 6th, 2022

Due to inept leadership that gave us open borders, COVID incompetence, loss of energy independence, a military in chaos, rampant inflation, corrupt elections, and lack of world standing, our Nation, perhaps for the first time, has lost its confidence!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

ICYMI: "'Cover-Up': House Republicans Demand Nancy Pelosi Answer for 'Failures' to Secure Capitol on January 6"

Read the full article by Ashley Oliver with Breitbart here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

ICYMI: "Trump leads all Republicans in poll on 2024 presidential election"

Read the full article by Mark Moore with the New York Post here


Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

A great book by Julie Kelly. January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch A War on Terror Against the Political Right is a complete exposé of the left's efforts to create violence and then exploit the violence to smear the Republican Party. 

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

The Biden Administration's response to COVID is getting worse every day. Joe Biden said, "there is no federal solution" to the pandemic, but he then federalized the distribution of antibodies, and red states are getting the short end of the stick. In my administration, we respected the role of Governors to take care of their own states, and they could request antibodies and therapeutics depending on what they needed. That's the way our Country is supposed to be run.


Now, there's talk by the Biden Administration again about closing schools and even vaccine mandates for school children. This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach. The Democrats are so incredibly mandate happy—there is discussion about a vaccine mandate for school kids this year in Detroit and other Democrat-run places.


Our administration did what they said could not be done—vaccines in record time. But we never issued mandates, and I never would! People should be able to choose how they want to govern their own health. The federal government must be reined in and give the people back the freedom to decide whether they want to be vaccinated or not.


Joe Biden said he would never issue mandates, but he did it anyway like so many other things.

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

What is happening in Chicago with all the school closures is devastating. Democrats are congregating in mass tomorrow to fan the flames of a divide that THEY created, while our kids sit at home watching their futures vanish. It must stop. Educate our children in person or give every dollar spent on education directly to the students so they can get out of these failing government schools! 

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

ICYMI: "News engagement fell off a cliff in 2021"

I always thought the Fake News Media would endorse me because I predicted this would happen! 


Read the full article by Sara Fischer and Neal Rothschild with Axios here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump January 5th, 2022

ICYMI: "New York's Trump Inquisition"

A Witch Hunt in New York at the worst and highest level.


Read the full article from the Wall Street Journal here

Signature of Donald J. Trump

We are up against the FAKE NEWS media, their Democrat Partners, and Big Tech who all want to see us FAIL. We need to do whatever it takes to get the TRUTH out.

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Photo of Donald J. Trump

Donald J Trump
45th President of the United States

P.S. Text TRUMP to 88022 to receive direct updates from yours truly. I'll be sending a text soon, so don't wait.

Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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