Friday, October 8, 2021

October 8th Update

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Notification Status: Signed Up

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 8th, 2021

ICYMI: "Support for Donald Trump rising ahead of Des Moines rally"

Read the full article by KCCI 8 Des Moines here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 8th, 2021

ICYMI: "Republican Lawmakers Demolish Democrats''Big Lie' That Arizona Audit Proved Biden Won the Election"

The Big Lie is reversed by great Patriots. The Election was a fraud. A must read!


Read the full article by Debra Heine with American Greatness here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 8th, 2021

Big Michigan Rally coming up on Oct. 12th, on the Capitol steps in Lansing, where Patriots will demand a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. The Voter Fraud is beyond what anyone can believe. Anyone who cares about our Great Country should attend, because unless we look to the past and fix what happened, we won't have a future or a Country. Matt DePerno, Rep. Steve Carra, and Kristina Karamo, who I have endorsed, will be there. Let's Go, Michigan, don't let us down!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 7th, 2021

Republican Senators, do not vote for this terrible deal being pushed by folding Mitch McConnell. Stand strong for our Country. The American people are with you!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 7th, 2021

Endorsement of Steve Bovo

I'm pleased to endorse Esteban "Steve" Bovo for Mayor of Hialeah.  Steve has always fought for conservative principles.  He understands the importance of fiscal discipline and the need to eliminate burdensome regulations that choke the economy. 


Hialeah is a shining example of America's entrepreneurial spirit. Bovo gets that small businesses, not government, are the job creators.  He will fight to get government out of the way.


Steve Bovo has tackled the status quo by leading the charge to reform pensions in Miami-Dade County and successfully passed term limits on the County Commission. That's why I know he will hold the line on raising taxes and demand accountability from Hialeah City Hall.  


I also have no doubt that Steve will stand-up to the far-left agenda that looks to change America.  Steve, like so many families in Hialeah, knows how socialism destroys a country from within with policies that give government way too much power over our lives.


When it comes to supporting our brave First Responders, Bovo has been front and center. That's why the Police Benevolent Association, the Fraternal Order of Police and Hialeah Firefighters are all backing him. 


The great people of Hialeah understand the importance of electing good candidates to local government that will stop the social experiments of the extremists and their reckless tax and spend agenda that's crippling communities and killing jobs.


As Mayor, Bovo will fight for the values that are now under attack by the Radical Left.  That's why I'm asking the amazing people of Hialeah to join me in this fight by supporting Esteban "Steve" Bovo for Mayor of Hialeah. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump October 7th, 2021

Endorsement of Congressman Rick Crawford

Rick Crawford has done a fantastic job as Congressman in Arkansas' First District. He represents the State and our Nation at the highest level. Rick is strong on Agriculture, Immigration, China, and he fights hard to lower your Taxes, Health Care Costs, and to protect our Second Amendment. Rick Crawford, who is highly respected in Washington D.C., will never let you down. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Signature of Donald J. Trump

We are up against the FAKE NEWS media, their Democrat Partners, and Big Tech who all want to see us FAIL. We need to do whatever it takes to get the TRUTH out.

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Thank you,

Photo of Donald J. Trump

Donald J Trump
45th President of the United States

P.S. Text TRUMP to 88022 to receive direct updates from yours truly. I'll be sending a text soon, so don't wait.

Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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