Thursday, April 13, 2023

VETOED: lower gas prices

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What's bad for the oil industry, is bad for Texas.

And Joe Biden's entire disastrous presidency has been bad for the oil industry – we're relying on China and Russia like never before.

That's not the American way, and it certainly isn't the Texas way.  

Please, make a contribution of $3, the average cost of a gallon of gas, to help me as I fight for American energy independence in Congress.
I know gas prices just went up – yet again – but we Republicans are trying our best to bring common sense to American energy policy.

In fact, in the House, we recently passed the Lower Energy Costs Act.

Sounds like a no-brainer right? At a time when the majority of Americans are struggling to make ends meet – we've given Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Senate a simple way to ease the burden on the American people.

But the Democrats vow to kill the bill in the Senate –  and Joe Biden has vowed to veto the bill if it ever makes it to his desk.

Let me be clear –
these people do not have your best interest in mind.

They're so concerned with sucking up to the CCP that they won't pass a bill that would ease our dependence on the Chinese.

It's ludicrous, it's cruel, and it's unAmerican.

As a Congressman who actually cares about the American people, I want to take this opportunity to make my own vow:
I vow to protect the American people by fighting against the left's radical anti-American policies with every ounce of energy that I have.
I just need your help to ensure I'm reelected so that I can make good on my vow.

Thank you,
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Rep. Roger Williams



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