This November is our chance to fight back
Friend, Think about all the progress we've made. During President Trump's time in the White House, the Republican-controlled Senate was able to approve not one, not two, but three conservative Supreme Court Justices. Because of those confirmations, the conservative movement has won significant victories in the Judiciary, including new protections for unborn babies, and protecting our GUNS. Now, with Joe Biden in office and radical Democrats controlling the Senate, we're living in a different time. | | Remember when Biden and Kamala Harris refused to say whether or not they wanted to pack the Supreme Court? Their ambition to bypass the people's will is the stuff of dictators, and if Democrats regain control of the Senate in November, Joe and Kamala could finally act on their plans. All of the progress made under President Trump will be in jeopardy if Democrats win the Senate. The NRSC is doing everything possible to prevent that from happening, but we can't do it alone. We need YOUR SUPPORT, to Defend The Supreme Court. Please chip in ANY AMOUNT TODAY and help us STOP Joe Biden and Senate Democrats from getting into power and wrecking the court. >> | [Defend The Supreme Court] PATRIOT: Friend CONTRIBUTION STATUS: INCOMPLETE | | The ONLY way to guarantee the Radical Left Democrats won't pack the Supreme Court with activist judges is to ELECT REPUBLICANS IN NOVEMBER. | | | | |
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