Wednesday, December 15, 2021

I’m proud to call myself a conservative


Many years ago, a kid from the small town of Wrightsville, Georgia, started down the path to achieve the American Dream.

He worked extremely hard, put his faith in God, and never gave up when the going got tough. That kid went on to win the Heisman Trophy in college football and set records as a running back in the National Football League.

That kid was me. I have been blessed to live the American Dream, and now I am dedicating my life to ensuring every American has the same opportunity to achieve their dreams.

I want to tell you why I am running for United States Senate.

watch now

From my family and community, I learned the value of hard work. From competing in sports, I learned about teamwork and determination. My family taught me it doesn't matter where you come from or the color of your skin. If you make sacrifices and put in the work, you can achieve your dreams.

But over the years, I learned that politicians in Washington are more concerned with pitting us against each other than finding common ground.

It's time for that to change.

Friend, I am proud to call myself a conservative.

I believe in smaller government, a strong military, and personal responsibility.

I want to make sure everyone in this country who works hard has the opportunity to achieve their dreams – just like I did.

I believe that the American Dream is still achievable, but we must send leaders to Washington who will unite us – not divide us.

I want you to hear directly from me about why I'm running for the United States Senate, so I am asking you to please watch my campaign video.

Friend, this country is worth fighting for, and it's up to us to keep the American Dream alive for future generations. I hope I can earn your support.


Herschel Walker
Republican for United States Senate

P.S. If I can ask you to do one thing today, I hope you'll watch my video.




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