Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November 10th Update

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Statements by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Notification Status: Signed Up

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 10th, 2021

With an approval rating at 19% in Wyoming, people are wise to Liz Cheney. She is a threat to Free and Fair elections, which are the cornerstone of our Country, because she caved so easily on the Crime of the Century. She is happy to join the Democrats in the Unselect Committee (the next RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA Hoax), and spread more of their lies. Cheney is far more unpopular than her father, who just lost his position as the least popular Vice President in American history to Kamala Harris. Democrats would never put up with a Liz Cheney in their ranks. If we had a Free and Fair media, instead of a corrupt media, those election results would never have been allowed to happen. The proof of irregularities and fraud is massive!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 10th, 2021

ICYMI: "Trump slams Biden spending bills as 'Green New Deal,' warns Democrats will lose dozens of House seats in 2022"

Read the full article by Brooke Singman with Fox News here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 10th, 2021

ICYMI: "26,000 Dead People Still Registered to Vote in Michigan, Lawsuit Alleges"

Read the full article by Fred Lucas with the Daily Signal here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 10th, 2021

ICYMI: "Trump warns Biden administration taking the wrong approach to China: 'It shows such weakness'"

Read the full article by Brooke Singman with Fox News here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 10th, 2021

ICYMI: "Authorities Arrest Analyst Who Contributed to Steele Dossier"

Read the full article by Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage with the New York Times here

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 9th, 2021

ICYMI: 74 Counties in Georgia Missing Ballot Images in Violation of Law

Wow, look what was just found in Georgia. Why doesn't Governor Brian Kemp do something about the large-scale Election Fraud that took place? Where is Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger? The people of Georgia get it!



Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 9th, 2021

Endorsement of Congressman Gus Bilirakis

Congressman Gus Bilirakis has been a tremendously effective lawmaker for the wonderful State of Florida. He is an incredible advocate for Energy Independence, Healthcare, and the American Worker. He will always Protect and Defend our Second Amendment. Gus fights so hard for our brave Military and Veterans, and is very Strong on Border Security. Gus Bilirakis has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 9th, 2021

Endorsement of Janice McGeachin

Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin has been a true supporter of MAGA since the very beginning. She is brave and not afraid to stand up for the issues that matter most to the people of Idaho, a beautiful State that I won by 30.8%. Janice is great on Election Integrity, will always fight for strong Borders, our cherished Second Amendment, American Manufacturing, School Choice, and our wonderful and hardworking FARMERS. I am giving Janice McGeachin my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Governor of Idaho. She will make a fantastic Governor, and will never let you down!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 9th, 2021

Endorsement of Congressman August Pfluger

Congressman August Pfluger is doing a phenomenal job representing the people of Texas. An Air Force veteran, August strongly supports our Military and Vets, Defends our Country, and Protects our Second Amendment. He fights to Lower your Taxes, Secure our Borders, and Strengthen our Economy. August has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Photo of Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump November 9th, 2021

Why is it that Old Crow Mitch McConnell voted for a terrible Democrat Socialist Infrastructure Plan, and induced others in his Party to do likewise, when he was incapable of getting a great Infrastructure Plan wanting to be put forward by me and the Republican Party? He continuously said he couldn't get it passed, just like I had to go around him to get the very popular Southern Border Wall built (which caused great delay—but could now be completed in one month by Biden). All of the Infrastructure money, $2 Trillion, would have gone into real Infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, etc). Also, why did Mitch give the Democrats a two-month hiatus, just long enough for them to figure it all out, when they were completely ready to fold?

Signature of Donald J. Trump

We are up against the FAKE NEWS media, their Democrat Partners, and Big Tech who all want to see us FAIL. We need to do whatever it takes to get the TRUTH out.

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Photo of Donald J. Trump

Donald J Trump
45th President of the United States

P.S. Text TRUMP to 88022 to receive direct updates from yours truly. I'll be sending a text soon, so don't wait.

Paid for by Save America JFC, a joint fundraising committee of Save America and Make America Great Again PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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