New: Tim Morrison said he didn't think the president broke the law on his call with Zelensky, and that he didn't think there were any meaningful lines missing from the WH memo about that phone call.
....this decision, but in the end it will be best for all concerned. As President, I will always be there to help New York and the great people of New York. It will always have a special place in my heart!
The Dems days of bullying the American people are over— they will not disenfranchise the voters in 2020 with a sham impeachment.
While the Do Nothing Democrats FAIL the American People, and continue the Impeachment Scam, my Administration will continue to deliver REAL RESULTS, as seen over the past month, below!
“…surrounded by enemies and spies catching and perverting every word that falls from my lips or flows from my pen, and inventing where facts fail them.” -Thomas Jefferson’s reflections on Washington, D.C. in a letter to his daughter Martha.
Some things never change, dad!
Just voted NO on the impeachment inquiry resolution.
Doesn’t ensure minority subpoena power or release of transcripts. Doesn’t equally allocate staffing between parties. Doesn’t allow POTUS’ counsel to be present to question witnesses & present evidence. It’s just a Schiff Show.
....our manufacturers. We should have lower interest rates than Germany, Japan and all others. We are now, by far, the biggest and strongest Country, but the Fed puts us at a competitive disadvantage. China is not our problem, the Federal Reserve is! We will win anyway.
China and the USA are working on selecting a new site for signing of Phase One of Trade Agreement, about 60% of total deal, after APEC in Chile was canceled do to unrelated circumstances. The new location will be announced soon. President Xi and President Trump will do signing!
The reality is that political ads are usually arguably true and arguably false. So who gets to decide what’s true and what’s not becomes the key question. In this polarized atmosphere, whom would you trust to make the calls?
Thank you Daily Wire. Very cute recreation, but the “live” version of Conan will be leaving the Middle East for the White House sometime next week!
"The Democrats have been on this path for 3 years. The first headline I saw...before the President was sworn in was that the Impeachment process was this is just further evidence that this is what they had in mind from the very beginning."
....Your current Governor, John Bel Edwards, has done a poor job with economic development (last in nation) and auto insurance (highest in nation) wants to raise your taxes BIG - vote for Eddie starting Saturday!
Thank you @GM, @FiatChrysler_NA, @Toyota, and @GloblAutomkrs for standing with us for Better, Cheaper, Safer Cars for Americans. California has treated the Auto Industry very poorly for many years, harming Workers and Consumers. We are fixing this problem!
...our Military, 2nd Amendment, Energy, and so many other things that the Democrats don’t care about. Please stop the Dems from hurting a very good and hard-working man!
....the United States Military. Congress needs to do its work. We need to fund our Armed Forces.” @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell. The Dems are a lost cause. In 2020, we need a big, beautiful WIN (all three)! #MAGA
“Our Country cannot afford for the Democrats in Congress to take a one year vacation from any productive legislation just because they would rather obsess over Impeachment. ISIS & other radical terrorists are not going to hit the pause button because Democrats won’t fund......
“Precisely the same program that the Democrats are trying to Impeach President Trump for supposedly slow walking, tomorrow, right here in the Senate, they (the Dems) say they’re going to filibuster for the exact same program.” @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell. Do Nothing Democrats!
Yesterday’s Never Trumper witness could find NO Quid Pro Quo in the Transcript of the phone call. There were many people listening to the call. How come they (including the President of Ukraine) found NOTHING wrong with it. Witch Hunt!
A Federal Judge is allowing the Nick Sandman libel suit to move forward against the thoroughly disgusting Washington Post (which is no longer available at the White House!). He could now have a good chance of winning. Go Nick!
“It does appear it has to do with Nancy Pelosi retaining her Speakership in the next Congress. She would like that so she’s going to put it to a vote because that’s what her political left really wants.” @SteveDoocy@foxandfriends A disgraceful use of Impeachment. Will backfire!
Democrats go 4+ weeks with a secretive, free for all, no rules impeachment process—and now try to save face with a short on substance resolution that only pretends to give the minority rights and blows up precedent.
Americans will see right through this. What a debacle.
A vote now is a bit like un-Ringing a bell as House Democrats have selectively leaked information in order to damage President @realDonaldTrump for weeks.
We’ve just learned House Democrats are moving the public impeachment hearings to the Intelligence Committee — taking it out of the normal jurisdiction (Judiciary Committee), cutting out GOP members who have spent the majority of time questioning witnesses till now
Thank you, @SpeakerPelosi, for finally acknowledging the fact that you attempted to deceive the American people into thinking you were conducting a fair impeachment inquiry.
Just one problem: It’s impossible to undo 35 days of @RepAdamSchiff's secrecy, leaks, and innuendo.
I’m happy that House Democrats finally decided to hold a vote to open up a formal impeachment inquisition of @POTUS@realDonaldTrump.
The problem they still face is that they’ve tainted the process in a way that has divided the country like no time in the last 100 or so years.
“Democrats counter that Republicans are complaining about process because they can’t address the substance. But process is how you get to substance.” —@wjmcgurn
We can’t trust Adam Schiff to find the facts when he can’t even deliver basic fairness.