The president has maximum positive impact on the country (and his approval numbers) when he focuses on advancing his peace & prosperity agenda. Let Dems fulminate and tilt at windmills as he delivers results.
Today, I was proud to sign the Autism CARES Bill! We support research for Americans with Autism and their families. You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you!
Navistar will be building a new 250 MILLION DOLLAR truck factory in San Antonio with 600 new jobs. Congratulations San Antonio and Texas! America makes the GREATEST trucks in the world!
It was my Great Honor to attend this mornings Welcome Ceremony for the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley!
The Fake News Media wants to stay as far away as possible from the Ukraine and China deals made by the Bidens. A Corrupt Media is so bad for our Country! In actuality, the Media may be even more Corrupt than the Bidens, which is hard to do!
....they made this whole thing up. Impeachment is also a pre-emptive strike for what they think is coming on the Obama Administration’s handling of the 2016 Election.” Jim McLaughlin, highly respected pollster. @WashTimes@FoxNews in TRADE, it’s taking shape in Military Competition.” Johnathan Ward, author and China expert. We are winning, and we will win. They should not have broken the deal we had with them. Happy Birthday China!
“After many years, the United States is finally waking up to Beijing’s plans and ambitions to pass us as the dominant economic & military superpower in the 21st Century. What’s happening now is that the U.S. is finally responding (thank you President Trump). This is taking.....
Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement, pretended it to be mine as the most important part of my call to the Ukrainian President, and read it aloud to Congress and the American people. It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call. Arrest for Treason?
The Fake Whistleblower complaint is not holding up. It is mostly about the call to the Ukrainian President which, in the name of transparency, I immediately released to Congress & the public. The Whistleblower knew almost nothing, its 2ND HAND description of the call is a fraud!
“China Trade Turmoil: China Urging a CALM AND RATIONAL Solution.” @MariaBartiromo@FoxBusiness China is doing very poorly while the USA, under your favorite President’s leadership, continues to soar to new heights - and, despite the Do Nothing Democrats, we have just begun!
These are the most important facts we have:
1. The whistleblower wasn't on the call.
2. The IG didn't read the transcript before acting on the whistleblower complaint.
3. The WH released the transcript—which clearly shows the president did nothing that would be impeachable.
....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
“State Department has stepped up Hillary Clinton Email probe.” @foxandfriends You mean the 33,000 Emails that she has deleted and acid washed so they can never be found, even though she said that all 33,000 pertained only to her daughter’s wedding, and her Yoga!
....we are going to have an Election very shortly.” Rep. Jeff Van Drew, Democrat of New Jersey. @foxandfriends Thank you. Just another Witch Hunt by Nancy Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats!
“All that’s swirling around us now is Impeachment. We talk about it day and night, it’s what’s on the news, there is NOTHING that has turned up that is Impeachable. Our founding fathers set impeachment to be extremely rare. We need to get good stuff done. Let the people vote,....
The only people that don’t like my conversation with the new Ukrainian President are those that heard Rep. Adam Schiff read a made up and totally fraudulent statement to the House and public, words that I did not say but that he fabricated (& admitted to this fabrication). Sick!
It is disgraceful what the Do Nothing Democrats are doing (the Impeachment Scam), but it is also disgraceful what they are NOT doing, namely, the USMCA vote, Prescription Drug Price Reduction, Gun Safety, Infrastructure, and much more!